The Crazy8 Roller Coaster is back and ready to thrill you

Safety & Security


Safety is an integral part of our culture and our absolute number one priority. Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our guests and staff. We have a full team of technicians dedicated to the operations of our rides and the safety of our guests. Every day before our rides open to the public, they undergo strict inspection and testing by our team, including running cycles of the rides to ensure they are operating safely.
At Funhaven, we meet and exceed industry standards and all government regulations. We also empower our staff to close any ride, game or attraction that they deem unsafe, no matter the day or time. If you witness something unsafe at our facility, please immediately alert one of our FunExperts and we will be able to help.


What is your supervision policy?
Funhaven is an all-ages facility. We are parent-supervised, similar to a bowling alley or a movie theatre. At Funhaven, parents are required to accompany their children the same way they would need to supervise them at a movie theatre, shopping mall, restaurant, and anywhere in Disneyland or other major theme parks. Direct parental supervision is the gold standard for child safety against any and all hazards.
Why don’t you have a security gate?
Security gates are typically used in facilities that cater exclusively to young children, and Funhaven is an all-ages facility catering to families as well as adults. Security gates give parents the perception that their children are secure by providing a rudimentary barrier to exit. In a large facility like Funhaven (more than 30,000 square feet), there are many fire exits and staff throughways which further reduce the effectiveness of a security gate at the front. This is one of our main concerns with implementing a security gate; we would only be providing the perception of security rather than actual security, and that deception is not aligned with our core values. Direct parental supervision is the gold standard for child safety against all hazards, and the installation of a gate at the door would invite our guests to relax their supervision, which is not best practice for child safety.
What happens if a child is separated from his or her guardians?
We use a child find system at Funhaven that is called Code Adam. It is intended to quickly find a lost child and reunite him/her with their parents, and in practice, at Funhaven this has been found to be effective. In the reverse case where a child has lost their parents, we typically take the child around the floor and ask them to help us find their parents/sister/brother/friend etc. It is not as formal or as urgent a process as the missing child situation because the found child is safe in our care and the parents usually come and contact us quite quickly. Before leaving the child in the care of the found parent, we first confirm with the child – not the adult – whether we have located the correct person.
Funhaven Ottawa

Open Hours

Dear Funhaven Family,

We will be open from 1PM on Friday January 24, 2024